The iWin Gaming platform has exciting development and growth plans.    A streaming theater and free raffle system are in the works.    The Theater will allow users to rent movies, watch their favorite shows, watch the concerts from participating musical acts, and watch our streamed finals. 

The upcoming Raffle element will allow us to run a promotional give-away from time to time.  The prize values will range from digital coupons for free consumer products, to dream-of-a-lifetime trips, to automobiles.  Participation in these digital raffles are completely voluntary.  Each person participating will get one entry per offer.  They can however increase their odds of winning by earning more entries.  To earn additional entries, the player will simply need to provide 5 additional pieces of data.  Again, the data is used primarily to customize your prizes. 

If you have any questions or comments or ideas you would like to share with us, please reach out to our contact us page and drop us a note.